Barnacle Busters — A Disappointment
We've been using Barnacle Buster Palm Beach for a couple of years and y
Rialto Marina Is No More
We're sorry to say that one of our favorite hideaways has decided to hang it up. Rumor is, the owner is r
Marina Jack's, Sarasota, FL
We've never been to Sarasota before, we always passed it by while heading south as fast a possible, but w
Time for a vacation
I have two weeks here until I head back to the states on a three week R&R.
It's been a long wi
Making time
Since I am out here until August of 2014, I have been taking the opportunity to visit potential cruising
Back Online
Looks llike the site is back online after a LONG hiatus due to the hosting company's shenanigans. I actua
A bad report regarding Green Cove Springs Marina
Dave from Driftaway endured a bad experience with these guys. I'll repost his comments:
Green Cove Sprin
The Bluffs Marina — Jupiter, Fla.
Over the years we've pulled into The Bluffs several times. Last year we found shelter here during hurric
Old wooden boat tools
The find of the day was at the local Fisheries Supply annual swap meet. We stumbled across it acciden
Martinique: Getting sick abroad
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Officially moved to the new Blog
In case you still want to follow our blog but have not signed up on the new blog, our new blog address is
Graphics and bow thruster
The graphics and the bow thruster on on the boat! Here are the pics. More in the Gallery[gallery link="fi
Yachts, cruisers and guns
An emotional topic, to say the least.
On Cruiserforums.com, there is a discussion going on regarding a
Martinique: Saint Pierre (The town)
Please use the link below:
More Adventures
For the latest updates on our adventures take a look at Life in the Slow Lane.
Martinique: Saint-Pierre (anchorage)
Please use the link below:
Martinique: Fort de France (the capital city)
Please use the link below
Flash Launcher - Self Protection Tool
Phantom Services utilizes the FlashLauncher as a key tool in its non-lethal arsenal for Maritime and Pe
Yacht Theft News
There have been a couple of cases in the news lately - one in California and one in Canada. Not dinghy th
Situational Awareness note
Was reading through the blogoshpere, and came across an article from Rory Miller (noted author of 'Facing