
I am learning to blog outside of my simple website pages, which I have now shut down and moved everything to – a very cool platform, totally free and the owner Jacob helped me to learn (with much patience on his end, since I’ve never done no formal bloggin before…)

Joe Berta – M/V Surveyor

29 February 2012

I am a newbie to Blogging and so I originally set up our new blog with Blog Spot.  I sent the link to Judy Waldman and she recommended that I link my blog to Yacht blogs.  Being pretty inept at these kind of things I couldn’t figure out how to do it so I sent them an email.  Jacob responded and did the linking for me.  He suggested moving my blog to Yacthblogs and as I rolled my eyes thinking another set up that I have to struggle through he offered to do it for me.  Between a lousy internet connection where we are and my rising frustration on trying to figure out how to do things on Blog Spot, I jumped at the chance for help.  Jacob has been a miracle worker for me.  Not only has he gotten our blog set up and my posts moved over, he never lost patience with me.  He has worked with me through all my questions and struggles as he kept improving our blog.   Along with his patience, he explained to me how/where to go so I understand much better how to make changes on my own as we go forward.

For some reason technology and the how to do’s don’t come easily to me and even simple things never seem to work correctly for me.  It’s very refreshing when someone wants to step in and help me through the process.  With Jacob’s help and guidance we have a blog that has surpassed my original ideas and I have a new level of understanding on the process.

Jacob, your LACK of frustration with me is astounding and I thank you so much.

Karen – Masterplan

27 February 2012

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